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Hoop en Versoening Trust
As a non-profit organisation (176-982 - NPO), the Hope and Reconciliation Trust provides South Africans with the opportunity to contribute to the restoration of the country. Our organisation recognised that there is a need for people who wish to contribute, but are unsure of how to do so, for fear that their contributions will be wasted. The Hope and Reconciliation Trust aims to provide a platform where contributions can be made with peace of mind and result in tangible improvements for our country.
We aim to give individuals and organisations a platform to give back in gratitude to South Africa by contributing to the restoration and reconciliation process.
In order to achieve a reconciled South Africa, we must ensure that every child has access to a proper ECD-centre to be able to develop holistically and optimally.
What do we do?
The Hope and Reconciliation Trust achieves its vision by:
Focusing on two critical points in our society: Early Childhood and Rural Development.
All contributions are applied with great care to verified and sustainable projects under the guardianship of competent trustees.
Acknowledging and appreciating all contributors and partners.
Growing & Sharing Organic, Local Food